Unlock Sales Opportunities with Precise B2B Intent Data

Target your ideal customer profiles (ICPs) with Alisha-AI SDR

Alisha AI SDR Dashboard
Lead Hunting
B2B Sales Prospecting
Matching Buyer Intent
Real-Time Data Insights
Dynamic Learning
Cost Effective Research

Sales teams miss golden prospecting opportunities due to lack of timely, actionable lead information. Manual research of Intent data or referring generic databases, identifies potential customers but is often complex and vague. It also involves a huge amount of time. A direct productivity loss to you and your team.

With Alisha-AI SDR, Turn Intent Data into Actionable Sales Opportunities


  • Enter your ICP
  • Generate B2B contacts from 275 million profiles and 73 million companies
  • Gather details from recent LinkedIn posts and 180+ web sources for hyper-personalization
  • Pinpoint leads who are actively searching for your product or service
  • Real-time data insights integrated into your sales outreach strategy
  • Prioritize leads based on their intent and likelihood to convert


  1. Delivers a refined, up-to-date list of leads, ensuring your outreach is highly targeted and relevant
  2. Improves engagement by offering deep insights into each lead, for personalized and effective communications
  3. Enhanced Targeting and Personalization
  4. Reduce wasted outreach efforts
  5. Boost conversion rates with data-driven targeting
Alisha AI SDR Dashboard

See Your Intent Data in Action